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Motivational Martial Artists

Many parents have experienced the effort needed to support their children in their chosen activities, but Shaun and Natasha Heavey have really put their backs into it – or, in this case, their legs!

To raise the profile/recruitment of their children’s Mudo club, Kim Chung Do Kwan, and raise money for equipment, this couple have gone more than the ‘extra mile’.

In recent years, Shaun Heavey has shown indomitable spirit of a true Martial Artist in overcoming a life changing medical condition. His condition and its management makes it unwise to drive and he has had to take to two wheels instead of four in order to live his life as an active working family man. Knowing this, it is even more remarkable Shaun volunteered to raise sponsor money for the Mudo Academy and Kim Chung Do Kwan by cycling. He has spent hour upon challenging hour on his bike, cycling an amazing 300 sponsored miles to raise money for new training equipment.

Keeping pace with Shaun’s efforts, his wife, Natasha, has been pounding the pavements with their Martial Artist children Jayden and Tegan and a team of recruits, to deliver club leaflets door to door. Natasha has given generously of her time and imagination to any and every activity in support of her children and Kim Chung Do Kwan.

Every club needs support, but few could hope for assistance of this magnitude.

The Mudo Academy and the Kim Chung Do Kwan family offers sincere thanks to Shaun and Natasha Heavey.

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